
Kamis, 14 November 2013

Apa Kata Kuncinya??

Mungkin ini akan mirip dengan yang ini, tapi percayalah ini adalah kelanjutaanya. Setelah melakukan yang sudah saya lakukan itu, saya melakukan beberapa hal kecil lagi di blog kecil ini. Waktu pertama kali ingin melakukan itu, saya search di google dong, tapi ada masalah dasar yang saya alami yaitu "apa yang harus saya tulis?", "apa dia akan mengerti??". Nah kalau kalian mengalami masalah yang sama, mungkin kalian akan sedikit terbantu dengan postingan ini. Tapi kali ini saya hanya akan berikan kata kunci yang bisa digunakan untuk lebih gampangnya,  karena saya sudah lupa situs-situs tersebut.

1. Mengganti tampilan label jadi bergerak-gerak.

Sebenarnya saya menemukan ini secara tidak sengaja, waktu itu saya sedang mencari hal yang lain. Lalu saya melihat ke recent post yang ada di blog itu ternyata ada postingannya yang berjudul kurang lebih how to make cloud label, nah dari sanalah saya mendapatkan cara mengubah label itu. jadi kalau ingin mengubah label jadi seperti awan begitu ketikkan saja ini digoogle: "cara membuat label awan di blog".

2. Tukar link.

Dengan saling tukar link katanya blog akan semakin rame. Dan dulu juga saya pernah mencoba menambahkan widget tukar link ini. Tapi sekian kali saya mencoba tetap text areanya kosong. Dan akhirnya saya menyerah untuk saat itu. Kemudian saya kembali mencobanya dan tetap tidak bisa. Lalu saya iseng masukkan "cara masukan kode html ke text area" dan ternyata ketemu juga masalahnya yaitu kita hanya perlu masukkan kode yang ingin kita masukkan kedalam text area ke situs ini. Dan akhirnya bisa juga. :D

3. You might also like.

Ketika ketemu tulisan itu saya ingin sekali menambahkannya. Tapi apa kata kuncinya? masak iya saya masukkan saja begitu, setelah saja berpikir sejenak saya tidak juga menemukan kata kunci tersebut. Dan akhirnya saya memasukkan kalimat itu. setelah melihat-lihat penjelasan disana jadi tahu apa nama widget itu. Ya namanya adalah widget linkwitin. jadi kalau mau menambahkan widget itu kalian bisa deh search "menambahkan widget linkwithin" atau "menambahkan widget related post". dan juga akan memerlukan ini "cara menampilkan widget hanya di postingan".

4. Menambahkan widget kembali ke atas.

Fungsinya yaitu untuk mempercepat kita kembali ke awal postingan, sebenarnya fungsi ini sudah dimiliki oleh tombol home. Tapi apa salahnya juga kalau ditambahkan itung-itung menambah beban loading blog keindahan blog. karena hampir disetiap blog ada fitur ini, dan apa salahnya juga jika ikut memasangnya. Saya mengetahuinya juga secara tidak sengaja, namanya saja saya tidak tahu. Tapi mungkin bisa kali kata kuncinya seperti "menambahkan widget back to top", atau "menambahkan widget kembali ke atas".

Semua gambar saya langsung ambil di google itu sendiri dengan memasukkan kata kunci sesuai bagian-bagian itu. 

Sampai jumpa.
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Jumat, 08 November 2013

That feeling when blog yang kita suka tidak update lagi.

Salah satu alasan membuat blog adalah untuk mengikuti blog yang disukai itu. Tapi semua berubah saat blog yang kita sukai itu tiba-tiba tidak update lagi. Sampai kita mencari ke semua situs jejaring sosialnya dan sama, tidak update juga.



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Wapres Aja Copas, Masak Saya Tidak

Wapres Boediono (kanan) menyampaikan pidato mengenai perkembangan ekonomi dalam forum Indonesia Investment Summit 2013 di Jakarta, Kamis (7/11). 

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Pidato Wakil Presiden Boediono dalam ajang Indonesia Investment Summit 2013, Kamis (7/11) memicu kontroversi. Pidato itu ternyata memiliki mirip dengan pidato Wapres di ajang yang sama tahun lalu. Apakah pidatonya copy paste?
Republika mendapatkan dua naskah pidato Wapres Boediono dari ajang Investment Summit 2012 dan 2013. Berikut bagian-bagian yang sama persis di dalam naskah pidato tersebut:

1. Bagian Pembukaan

Pidato 2012
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Jakarta. I would like to congratulate BKPM - the Investment Coordinating Board - and the International Herald Tribune for organizing this very important gathering.
The main purpose of this two-day gathering is to share among the participants the most accurate, up-to-date and first-hand information about this country.

Pidato 2013
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to Jakarta. I would like to congratulate BKPM - the Investment Coordinating Board - and the Financial Times for organizing this very important gathering.
As was the case last year, the main purpose of this one-day gathering is to share among the participants the most accurate, up-to-date and first-hand information about this country. 

2. Bagian Krisis 2008

Pidato 2012
First, we went through the 2008 global crisis basically unscathed. Yes, there was some dent in our growth but we then quickly and strongly recovered. And again in the mid of the current ongoing crisis we have been able to maintain our growth at 6+% while sustaining the steady decline in our unemployment and poverty rates. 

Pidato 2013
First, we went through the 2008 global crisis basically unscathed. Yes, there was some dent in our growth but it then quickly recovered. Until last year we had been able to maintain our growth at 6+ % 

3. Bagian Pentingnya Indonesia

Pidato 2012
We are blessed with vast and varied natural resources and formidable human resources. Our domestic markets are substantial and are growing fast, thanks to the blossoming of our middle class. The age structure of our population is young, opening the potential for reaping significant demographic dividends in the years to come.

Pidato 2013
But Indonesia is prospective for some other important reasons. We are blessed with vast and varied natural resources. Our domestic markets are large and growing fairly fast, thanks to the blossoming of our middle class and consuming groups.

The age structure of our population is young, opening the significant potential for reaping demographic dividends in the years to come.

4. Bagian Demokrasi Indonesia

Pidato 2012
I must add one more reason why you ought to seriously consider Indonesia as your investment destination, and it has an important long run implication, namely our political stability. Despite numerous initial hurdles, our Reformasi has succeeded in placing and keeping our democracy on the right track. Our democracy is robust and it has so far underpinned the generally peaceful implementation of so many elections and the smooth process of changes in government, both at the national and regional levels. I believe it is precisely because our democracy works that many corrupt practices have recently been uncovered and are being vigorously prosecuted. 

Pidato 2013
I must add one more reason why you ought to seriously consider Indonesia as your investment destination, and it has an important long run implication, namely political stability. 
Despite many initial hurdles, our Reformasi has succeeded in placing our democracy on the right track. Our robust democracy has underpinned the generally peaceful implementation of so many elections and the smooth process of changes in governments, both at the national and regional levels. 
I believe it is because our democracy works that many corrupt practices recently uncovered and prosecuted.

5. Bagian Infrastruktur

Pidato 2012
But of course Indonesia is not a country without problems, and some of them need urgent solutions. The most glaring one is deficiency in infrastructures. We must be honest and admit that, for a combination of reasons, we are behind in developing our infrastructures, virtually all kinds of infrastructures. But in the past few years we have been working hard to offset these problems. 
A number of important initiatives have been taken in developing the capacity of our ports, airports, roads, railways, power plants, urban facilities, renewable energies, gas infrastructures etc. More still need to be done and soon. We cordially invite and welcome your participation

Pidato 2013
But I readily admit that we have outstanding problems, and some of them need urgent solutions. The most glaring one is deficiency in infrastructures. 
We honestly admit that, for a number of reasons, we are behind in infrastructure development, in virtually all sorts of infrastructure. But in the past few years we have been working hard to do the catching up. In the next two years, a number of important projects such as ports, airports, roads, railways, power, urban facilities, renewable energies and gas infrastructures will be completed and ready for operation. Many more projects are being prepared. We cordially invite and welcome your participation.

6. Bagian Kepastian Hukum

Pidato 2012
The second group of problems pertains to regulations and legal certainty, including inconsistent and overlapping policies and regulations at the central and local levels. I am fully aware that there are still complaints among business community here about these matters. I cannot deal on these problems in detail here, but I hope you will discuss them in the appropriate sessions with our Ministers. I can only assure you that the government remains fully committed to systematically improve the business and investment environment in this country.

Pidato 2013
The second group of problems relate to regulations and legal certainty. 
I am fully aware that there are still complaints among business community here about these issues. I hope in some of the sessions you get a brief on the progress in this area. I can only assure you that the government is fully committed to continue improving the business and investment environment in this country.

7. Bagian Buruh

Pidato 2012
Let me close my remark with some comments on the issue of human resources. First, you may notice that lately there has been an increasingly assertive labor movement to demand better pay and work conditions. I think we must accept it as a product of our democratization process, and as such we all should respect it accordingly. 

Pidato 2013
Let me close my remark with some comments on the issue of human resources. First, lately there has been increasing activity of workers to demand better pay and work conditions. I think peaceful demonstrations and even strikes must be accepted as part of our democracy at work. 

8. Bagian Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja

Pidato 2012
Another issue related to human resources is training. Adequate pool of labor with appropriate skills is key to growth and it will become a serious bottleneck in the years to come, and even sooner if we do not start dealing with it now. We are currently reviewing all of our training programs and are seeking closer cooperation with the private sector in order to anticipate this impending problem. The government is open to suggestions and welcomes cooperation from the business community on this matter.

Pidato 2013
Another issue related to human resources is training. The government is fully aware that shortage of labor with appropriate skills will become a serious bottleneck in the years to come, if we do not do something now. 

The government very much welcome suggestions from the business community on how to jointly anticipate this problem.


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Selasa, 05 November 2013


Sudah berapa tahun belakangan ini saya suka membaca meme gak pake k. ketertarikan saya bermula ketika saya tertarik kedalam dunia maya ini. Jujur saja saya lebih suka membaca meme bahasa inggris, karena kesannya lebih membuat penasaran, belajar kata-kata baru seperti what the fuck, bitch please, nigga, dll. Juga karena situs meme kebanyakan berbahasa inggris. Ada beberapa situs meme terkenal, tapi saya selalu dan lebih suka dengan memecenter.com. Alasannya karena ada kata meme dan centernya.

Ekspresi saat membaca meme berbahasa inggris: 

Ekspresi saat membaca meme berbahasa indonesia: 

Beberapa meme dari sana:

Intolerant? Keep Calm And Eat A Snickers
Types Of Girls

Bonus meme pake k:

Sampai Jumpa!
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